domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

This is me!!!

I'm Pamela Montiel, I'm 18 years old and I study at Colegio Guadalupe.
Since I'm in 2 year of high school, I need to start looking for a university and decide a career. I also need to decide my future area.
Thanks to all the tests taken during this school year, I can say that I will study International Relations and I will go to area 3.
Making the decision was not easy at all: first I had to discover myself in order to make the right decision.
According to my results and to some of my classmates I am:
  • Outgoing
  • Organized
  • Loyal
  • Hardworker
  • Responsible
  • Noble
  • Good at dealing with people
  • Good verbal communication
  • Leadership skills
Based on that, I decided that International Relations was the career I was looking for.

The importance of Educational Orientation

Throughout this school year I learned lots of different and important things related to different subjects. Educational Orientation was in the subject I learned the most, I learned some of my skills, values, traits, etc. I also discovered my abilities and based on them I chose my future area. After taking several tests to decide the area, I took others to decide my possible-future career.

Thanks to all the taken tests and the teacher's help, I can say I'm very sure I want to study International Relations. That career describes me perfectly, I like to meet new people, to learn new cultures and to travel around the world.

Visit to some Universities

Something that helped me a lot during our desicion-making process was that I was able to visit some universities and discover a little bit more about which I would like.
  • Anahuac Norte
I really don't think people go there to study. The just socialize and criticize others. I do not fit in there

  • TEC-cem

It is a good university for engineers, I don't think I fit in there.

  • UP

Very small, they have the same concept of our school. But I think education there is great, they focus in the inner part of the people. Considering
  • ITAM

Very intelligent people, great teachers, but very far away from here. Considering


Throughout the school year we took several tests that helped us made our desicion of the area and of the career. Some of them were kind of confusing but others were really funny and easy to take, the tests we took were:
  • Holland
  • Myers-Briggs
  • Herrera-Montes
  • Thumstone

With this test we discovered the kind of persons we are. In the image above, we can see the six type of personalities we may have.


With this test we discovered our abilities and possible careers according to our results. ENFJ

This two tests were kind of difficult and complicated for me, that why I rather not mention them.

With these tests I discovered that I would like to study in Area 3, and my career would be International Relations. The thing I loved the most about this career, is that I may work in an embassy.

Area 3

If you want to be successful in your entrance test, you should study in Area 3, since it's the most close to International Relations subjects. some subjects you will cover in this area are:
  • Administration
  • Laws
  • Accounting
  • Psicology
  • Business

Right to a Nationality

Something really important if you decide to study IR is the respect you must have for all the cultures and nationalities.

International Relations

As mentioned above, International Relations (IR), also known as foreign relations or foreign affairs, is the study of relationships between countries, including the roles of states, inter-governmental organizations, internatinal nongovernmental organizations, non-governmetal organizatios and multinational corporations.
It draws upon such diverse fields as economics, history, international law, philosophy, foreign interventionism, human rights, sociology, culturology, etc.