domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011


Throughout the school year we took several tests that helped us made our desicion of the area and of the career. Some of them were kind of confusing but others were really funny and easy to take, the tests we took were:
  • Holland
  • Myers-Briggs
  • Herrera-Montes
  • Thumstone

With this test we discovered the kind of persons we are. In the image above, we can see the six type of personalities we may have.


With this test we discovered our abilities and possible careers according to our results. ENFJ

This two tests were kind of difficult and complicated for me, that why I rather not mention them.

With these tests I discovered that I would like to study in Area 3, and my career would be International Relations. The thing I loved the most about this career, is that I may work in an embassy.

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