domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

This is me!!!

I'm Pamela Montiel, I'm 18 years old and I study at Colegio Guadalupe.
Since I'm in 2 year of high school, I need to start looking for a university and decide a career. I also need to decide my future area.
Thanks to all the tests taken during this school year, I can say that I will study International Relations and I will go to area 3.
Making the decision was not easy at all: first I had to discover myself in order to make the right decision.
According to my results and to some of my classmates I am:
  • Outgoing
  • Organized
  • Loyal
  • Hardworker
  • Responsible
  • Noble
  • Good at dealing with people
  • Good verbal communication
  • Leadership skills
Based on that, I decided that International Relations was the career I was looking for.

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